Be a wealthy chauffer/driver/butler

Штат : Калифорния
Город : Лос-Анджелес
Tel. (805) 964-9050
Цена: Договорная $
Be a wealthy driver/chauffeur/butler for prestigious upscale business clients and private individual accounts. This is a full-time paid salary position. Work week is between 40-60 per week. Equal opportunity employers men as well as women are encouraged to apply. Business attire required must speak and write English must-have smartphone and know how to use navigation.
Job duties include:
-Pick ups and drop off at airports
-Driving to business functions such as banquets and meetings as well as leisure activities such as golf outings, polo matches, tennis matches, and concerts.
Positions are limited for a personal one-on-one interview. Please call Paul at (805) 964-9050.